General English 15

Interactive English Language School Ltd


Kielikurssin aiheita

Kuunteleminen, puhuminen, ääntäminen, lukeminen, kirjoittaminen, sanavarasto ja kielioppi


Kielikurssin kesto
1-48 viikkoa
Joka maanantai
Oppitunteja viikossa
20 lessons per week (jokainen oppitunti kestää 45 min)
maanantai - perjantai


You can choose from the following class times:

08.45.00 - 12.00.00
Iltapäivän kokouksessa
12.45.00 - 16.00.00

Opetusjärjestys saattaa muuttua kaudesta ja saatavuudesta riippuen.

Kielikurssin kuvaus

This course is for students who have a basic knowledge of the English language. The courses focus on grammar, reading, as well as speaking and writing about everyday topics.
These courses are for students who have some fluency in English, but who still have problems with basic grammar and little confidence in using English.
By the end of the module, you will be able to:

- understand and respond to questions about yourself and your life
- understand and respond to the main points of general conversations
- understand standard speech spoken at near normal speed
- read and understand basic public notices
- understand simple articles and messages about everyday life
- speak clearly about yourself so that others usually understand you
- show that you understand others or ask them for explanations
- maintain a basic conversation with only a little difficulty
- write basic messages to others with correct grammar.

We would expect a student to take about 12 weeks to complete this level.

Ryhmän taso

alempi keskitaso
ylempi keskitaso
Tulet suorittamaan ensimmäisenä kurssipäivänä tasokokeen, jonka avulla ryhmätasosi määritellään.


Keskimäärin 9 opiskelijaa
Enimmäismäärä 15 opiskelijaa

Opiskelijan ikä

Ikäryhmä 18 vuoden ikäinen tai vanhempi
Keskimäärin 25 vuoden ikäinen


Lopputodistus annetaan kielikurssin päätteksi.
Lue lisää...


  • Classes at Interactive English Language School Ltd 1/23
  • Opiskelijoita 2/23
  • Opiskelijoita 3/23
  • Luokkahuone 4/23
  • Brighton sea front 5/23
  • City of Brighton 6/23
  • Luokkahuone 7/23
  • Opiskelijoita 8/23
  • Opiskelijoita 9/23
  • Sisäänkäynti 10/23
  • Opettajat ja henkilökunta 11/23
  • City of Brighton 12/23
  • City of Brighton 13/23
  • City of Brighton 14/23
  • City of Brighton 15/23
  • Opiskelijoita 16/23
  • Rakennus 17/23
  • Luokkahuone 18/23
  • Opiskelijoita 19/23
  • Opiskelijoita 20/23
  • Opiskelijoita 21/23
  • Classes at Interactive English Language School Ltd 22/23
  • Classes at Interactive English Language School Ltd 23/23


86% suosittelee

perustuu7 arvioon
5 tähteä
4 tähteä
3 tähteä
2 tähteä
1 tähti
Opetuksen taso
Koulun toimitilat
Sosiaaliset aktiviteetit
Koulun sijainti

"Usefull and fun"

Silvia Ventrelli, opiskelija _ maasta Italia

It was a very nice experience even if it only lasted one week for me. The teachers are very good and make you feel at ease. Furthermore, the external activities organized by the school were very useful and fun!

Lue lisää...

Arvioni koulusta

Opetuksen taso
Koulun toimitilat
Sosiaaliset aktiviteetit
Koulun sijainti
Opiskelun aika
22 Jul 2024 - 26 Jul 2024
Suosittelisitko tätä koulua?
Tämä on vahvistettu yhteenveto. Tämä opiskelija on varattu kurssin tässä koulussa Language International:n kautta.

"Very enriching and amazing"

Maria GIRBOUX, opiskelija _ maasta Belgia

Everything was perfect.
The teachers listen to ours needs and are very educational. They've definitely improved my English. Thank you to them.
In this school I've been able to meet some great new poeple from all around the world. I had a great time with them in class and after class.
My host family was welcoming and friendly with me, they are beautiful person and I had no problem with them.
I had a wonderful experience in Brighton.

Lue lisää...

Arvioni koulusta

Opetuksen taso
Koulun toimitilat
Sosiaaliset aktiviteetit
Koulun sijainti
opiskelun kesto
8 viikkoa
Opiskelun aika
9 Oct 2023 - 8 Dec 2023
Suosittelisitko tätä koulua?
Tämä on vahvistettu yhteenveto. Tämä opiskelija on varattu kurssin tässä koulussa Language International:n kautta.

"It was very interesting"

Rakan Alanazi, opiskelija _ maasta Saudi-Arabia

Everything was fine except the building was frustrating, It wasn't professional but it looks like your home in simplicity

Lue lisää...

Arvioni koulusta

Opetuksen taso
Koulun toimitilat
Sosiaaliset aktiviteetit
Koulun sijainti
opiskelun kesto
3 viikkoa
Opiskelun aika
4 Jul 2022 - 29 Jul 2022
Suosittelisitko tätä koulua?
Tämä on vahvistettu yhteenveto. Tämä opiskelija on varattu kurssin tässä koulussa Language International:n kautta.

"An unforgettable trip in an amazing city"

Camille, Clémence Charousset, opiskelija _ maasta Ranska

My friend and I enjoyed everything during our trip in Brighton. The teachers Nadia, Graham and Alex were so friendly and helpful. The city of Brighton is really pretty and the population is young. We felt welcome in our Host family, even if they didn't live on the center (fortunately we had 2 buses to join the school). I would recommend this school to anyone who wants to improve and practice his English in a great place !

Lue lisää...

Arvioni koulusta

Opetuksen taso
Koulun toimitilat
Sosiaaliset aktiviteetit
Koulun sijainti
Opiskelun aika
6 Aug 2018 - 10 Aug 2018
Suosittelisitko tätä koulua?
Tämä on vahvistettu yhteenveto. Tämä opiskelija on varattu kurssin tässä koulussa Language International:n kautta.


Mayara Theiss Laperuta, opiskelija _ maasta Brasilia

The best school ever, everything is amazing, very organized and friendly.

Lue lisää...

Arvioni koulusta

Opetuksen taso
Koulun toimitilat
Sosiaaliset aktiviteetit
Koulun sijainti
opiskelun kesto
2 viikkoa
Opiskelun aika
27 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017
Suosittelisitko tätä koulua?
Tämä on vahvistettu yhteenveto. Tämä opiskelija on varattu kurssin tässä koulussa Language International:n kautta.


Hebah A H M F Alshammari, opiskelija _ maasta Kuwait

My experience in the school was wonderful,
The teachers also were sincere in delivering information.
School's location is good and good services.
I am thankful to everyone for their help.

Lue lisää...

Arvioni koulusta

Opetuksen taso
Koulun toimitilat
Sosiaaliset aktiviteetit
Koulun sijainti
opiskelun kesto
3 viikkoa
Opiskelun aika
11 Jul 2016 - 5 Aug 2016
Suosittelisitko tätä koulua?
Tämä on vahvistettu yhteenveto. Tämä opiskelija on varattu kurssin tässä koulussa Language International:n kautta.
Michaela, Admin at Interactive English Language School Ltd responded to this review.
07 September 2016

Dear Hebah. Thank you for your nice review and all the best for your future.

"My experience will be unforgettable for the rest of my life"

Alessandra Tomasini, opiskelija _ maasta Italia

In the morning, I went to school from 9.15 to 12.30. After school, I had lunch with other classmates or friends. There were 6 people in my class. We had fun and the teacher was really good. I definitely improved my English. I used to move around with the bus, because I lived in Portslade, but people who live in Hove could walk. There were lots of activities to do and places to go to like the pub, club and others. My family was really nice; I didn't have any problems at all. Furthermore, London was very close, just 50' by train and there were discounts if you went with other people.

Lue lisää...

Arvioni koulusta

Opetuksen taso
Koulun toimitilat
Sosiaaliset aktiviteetit
Koulun sijainti
opiskelun kesto
7 viikkoa
Opiskelun aika
14 Sep 2015 - 6 Nov 2015
Suosittelisitko tätä koulua?
Tämä on vahvistettu yhteenveto. Tämä opiskelija on varattu kurssin tässä koulussa Language International:n kautta.


Interactive English Language School Ltd tarjoaa seuraavia majoitustyyppejä:

Kotimajoitus - 2-hengen jaetussa huoneessa - Ei aterioita

172 €

Self catering - Sharing room 2 students must book together

Ikäryhmä: 18 vuoden ikäinen tai vanhempi
Majoitustyyppi: Kotimajoitus
Huonetyyppi: 2-hengen jaetussa huoneessa
Ateriaa: Ei aterioita
Toimitilat: Keittiö, pesula, langaton internetyhteys, ilmainen internet, tV-huone, ja lämmitys
Matka kouluun: 1 - 40 minuuttia buslla
Saatavuus: tammikuu - joulukuu
Päivä saapumisesta: sunnuntai, klo 01:00
Lähtöpäivänä: sunnuntai, ennen 11:00
Rajoitukset: 2 opiskelijaa on varattava yhdessä
172 €
If approached with the right attitude (both by the host and the student), staying in homestay accommodation can be a fantastic way to improve your English, learn about British culture, and possibly make new friends. We try very hard to make sure that all of our homestay accommodation is clean, comfortable, and friendly. We inspect all accommodation and interview the hosts before we accept them for our students.

Britain is a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic community, and our people have tastes that reflect our long history of immigration. As well as traditional ‘British’ food, you are likely to be offered Italian, Indian, Chinese, and many other different styles of cuisine. And we don’t usually stop everything at 5 o’clock for a cup of tea.

The population of Britain is made up of people of all races, ethnicities and religions, so you may be living with people who don’t look like what you might imagine British people to be. Some homestay providers are not of English origin but all speak English to high standard.

It is also possible that your homestay ‘family’ is not similar to typical families in your country: it may be made up of two parents with a number of children, or it may just be one person living alone, or anything in between.

We try to match students with homestays and to find the right homestay for everyone. It is important to book early and to tell us about your requirements e.g. in the areas of diet, smoking, children and pets.

Please note:
•Most British people have pets – usually a cat or a dog
•If you are in self-catering homestay you will not have so much opportunity to practise your English as you will not be sitting down for a meal with your host(s).
•Students are sometimes required to house share with students of their own language in the summer. If we place you in the accommodation that already hosts a student of the same nationality we will inform you in advance. You are welcome to cancel your booking if you are not happy with this option. However this happens very rarely and only if there is no alternative accommodation available.


Most homestays are a bus ride away

Average journey time to/from school is 40 minutes by public transport

The host family will keep the house and room clean but you should keep your room tidy. Please remember that you are in someone else’s house and that it is not a hotel. The family will treat you like a part of the family and will help you with any questions you might have. If you have a problem with the host family, first tell the host family politely, it might be a misunderstanding. If this doesn’t help, tell us.

Self-catering: no meals provided, full use of kitchen facilities provided by the homestay.

The family will do laundry at least once a week, but if you have a lot, you should go to a launderette. If you have something that needs to be cleaned in a special way, it is best to go to a dry cleaner’s (there is one near the school). You will have to do your own ironing but the family will lend you the iron and the board.

Everyone in the family needs to use the bathroom and there is often only one bathroom in the home, you will need to ask your host when is the best time to have your bath or shower. Towels are provided by your family.

You can only use the telephone with your host family’s permission. Please ask your family if it is ok to make calls with a phone card. Please remember that the phone belongs to the family, and do not stay on the phone for too long.

Internet access might be available in some homestays. Please ask the host upon arrival. Please note: in our school premises you can enjoy free Internet and wireless connection Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 17:00.

Please note that majority of our homestays have a pet. Please let us know in advance if you are allergic.

Your family will give you a key for the house. You must take very good care of it and you cannot give it to someone else or copy it. If you lose it, tell the family immediately. You might have to pay for a new one.

Please ask your family for permission to have visits from friends, they will probably say ‘yes’ but please do not allow friends to stay longer than your family has agreed, especially no overnight stays

Kotimajoitus - 2-hengen jaetussa huoneessa - Aamiainen ja illallinen

197 €

Half board - Sharing room 2 students must book together

Ikäryhmä: 18 vuoden ikäinen tai vanhempi
Sijainti: Portslade, Hove, Brighton
Majoitustyyppi: Kotimajoitus
Huonetyyppi: 2-hengen jaetussa huoneessa
Ateriaa: Aamiainen ja illallinen (14 ateriaa viikossa)
Toimitilat: Pesula, langaton internetyhteys, ilmainen internet, tV-huone, ja lämmitys
Matka kouluun: 1 - 40 minuuttia buslla
Saatavuus: tammikuu - joulukuu
Päivä saapumisesta: sunnuntai, klo 01:00
Lähtöpäivänä: sunnuntai, ennen 11:00
Rajoitukset: 2 opiskelijaa on varattava yhdessä
197 €
If approached with the right attitude (both by the host and the student), staying in homestay accommodation can be a fantastic way to improve your English, learn about British culture, and possibly make new friends. We try very hard to make sure that all of our homestay accommodation is clean, comfortable, and friendly. We inspect all accommodation and interview the hosts before we accept them for our students.

Britain is a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic community, and our people have tastes that reflect our long history of immigration. As well as traditional ‘British’ food, you are likely to be offered Italian, Indian, Chinese, and many other different styles of cuisine. And we don’t usually stop everything at 5 o’clock for a cup of tea.

The population of Britain is made up of people of all races, ethnicities and religions, so you may be living with people who don’t look like what you might imagine British people to be. Some homestay providers are not of English origin but all speak English to high standard.

It is also possible that your homestay ‘family’ is not similar to typical families in your country: it may be made up of two parents with a number of children, or it may just be one person living alone, or anything in between.

We try to match students with homestays and to find the right homestay for everyone. It is important to book early and to tell us about your requirements e.g. in the areas of diet, smoking, children and pets.

Please note:
•Most British people have pets – usually a cat or a dog
•If you are in self-catering homestay you will not have so much opportunity to practise your English as you will not be sitting down for a meal with your host(s).
•Students are sometimes required to house share with students of their own language in the summer. If we place you in the accommodation that already hosts a student of the same nationality we will inform you in advance. You are welcome to cancel your booking if you are not happy with this option. However this happens very rarely and only if there is no alternative accommodation available.


Most homestays are a bus ride away

Average journey time to/from school is 40 minutes by public transport

The host family will keep the house and room clean but you should keep your room tidy. Please remember that you are in someone else’s house and that it is not a hotel. The family will treat you like a part of the family and will help you with any questions you might have. If you have a problem with the host family, first tell the host family politely, it might be a misunderstanding. If this doesn’t help, tell us.

Half board: breakfast and evening meal included daily (cooking facilities not included, access to these is at the host’s discretion). Breakfast is not usually cooked. It is often toast and marmalade, cereal, fruit juice and tea or coffee. Dinner is the main meal of the day and should include meat, fish or poultry, unless you have asked in your application form for vegetarian meals. Special dietary requirements available on request. Please inform the school at the time of the booking.

The family will do laundry at least once a week, but if you have a lot, you should go to a launderette. If you have something that needs to be cleaned in a special way, it is best to go to a dry cleaner’s (there is one near the school). You will have to do your own ironing but the family will lend you the iron and the board.

Everyone in the family needs to use the bathroom and there is often only one bathroom in the house, you will need to ask your host when is the best time to have your bath or shower. Towels are provided by your family.

You can only use the telephone with your host family’s permission. Please ask your family if it is ok to make calls with a phone card. Please remember that the phone belongs to the family, and do not stay on the phone for too long.

Internet access might be available in some homestays. Please ask the host upon arrival. Please note: in our school premises you can enjoy free Internet and wireless connection Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 17:00.

Please note that majority of our homestays have a pet. Please let us know in advance if you are allergic.

Your family will give you a key for the house. You must take very good care of it and you cannot give it to someone else or copy it. If you lose it, tell the family immediately. You might have to pay for a new one.

Please ask your family for permission to have visits from friends, they will probably say ‘yes’ but please do not allow friends to stay longer than your family has agreed, especially no overnight stays

Kotimajoitus - Yhden hengen huone - Ei aterioita

197 €

Self catering - Single room

Ikäryhmä: 18 vuoden ikäinen tai vanhempi
Majoitustyyppi: Kotimajoitus
Huonetyyppi: Yhden hengen huone
Ateriaa: Ei aterioita
Toimitilat: Keittiö, pesula, langaton internetyhteys, ilmainen internet, tV-huone, ja lämmitys
Matka kouluun: 1 - 40 minuuttia buslla
Saatavuus: tammikuu - joulukuu
Päivä saapumisesta: sunnuntai, klo 12:00
Lähtöpäivänä: sunnuntai, ennen 12:00
197 €
If approached with the right attitude (both by the host and the student), staying in homestay accommodation can be a fantastic way to improve your English, learn about British culture, and possibly make new friends. We try very hard to make sure that all of our homestay accommodation is clean, comfortable, and friendly. We inspect all accommodation and interview the hosts before we accept them for our students.

Britain is a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic community, and our people have tastes that reflect our long history of immigration. As well as traditional ‘British’ food, you are likely to be offered Italian, Indian, Chinese, and many other different styles of cuisine. And we don’t usually stop everything at 5 o’clock for a cup of tea.

The population of Britain is made up of people of all races, ethnicities and religions, so you may be living with people who don’t look like what you might imagine British people to be. Some homestay providers are not of English origin but all speak English to high standard.

It is also possible that your homestay ‘family’ is not similar to typical families in your country: it may be made up of two parents with a number of children, or it may just be one person living alone, or anything in between.

We try to match students with homestays and to find the right homestay for everyone. It is important to book early and to tell us about your requirements e.g. in the areas of diet, smoking, children and pets.

Please note:
•Most British people have pets – usually a cat or a dog
•If you are in self-catering homestay you will not have so much opportunity to practise your English as you will not be sitting down for a meal with your host(s).
•Students are sometimes required to house share with students of their own language in the summer. If we place you in the accommodation that already hosts a student of the same nationality we will inform you in advance. You are welcome to cancel your booking if you are not happy with this option. However this happens very rarely and only if there is no alternative accommodation available.


Most homestays are a bus ride away

Average journey time to/from school is 40 minutes by public transport

The host family will keep the house and room clean but you should keep your room tidy. Please remember that you are in someone else’s house and that it is not a hotel. The family will treat you like a part of the family and will help you with any questions you might have. If you have a problem with the host family, first tell the host family politely, it might be a misunderstanding. If this doesn’t help, tell us.

Self-catering: no meals provided, full use of kitchen facilities provided by the homestay.

The family will do laundry at least once a week, but if you have a lot, you should go to a launderette. If you have something that needs to be cleaned in a special way, it is best to go to a dry cleaner’s (there is one near the school). You will have to do your own ironing but the family will lend you the iron and the board.

Everyone in the family needs to use the bathroom and there is often only one bathroom in the house, you will need to ask your host when is the best time to have your bath or shower. Towels are provided by your family.

You can only use the telephone with your host family’s permission. Please ask your family if it is ok to make calls with a phone card. Please remember that the phone belongs to the family, and do not stay on the phone for too long.

Internet access might be available in some homestays. Please ask the host upon arrival. Please note: in our school premises you can enjoy free Internet and wireless connection Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 17:00.

Please note that majority of our homestays have a pet. Please let us know in advance if you are allergic.

Your family will give you a key for the house. You must take very good care of it and you cannot give it to someone else or copy it. If you lose it, tell the family immediately. You might have to pay for a new one.

Please ask your family for permission to have visits from friends, they will probably say ‘yes’ but please do not allow friends to stay longer than your family has agreed, especially no overnight stays

Kotimajoitus - Yhden hengen huone - Aamiainen ja illallinen

242 €

Half board - Single room

Ikäryhmä: 18 vuoden ikäinen tai vanhempi
Sijainti: Portslade, Hove, Brighton
Majoitustyyppi: Kotimajoitus
Huonetyyppi: Yhden hengen huone
Ateriaa: Aamiainen ja illallinen (14 ateriaa viikossa)
Toimitilat: Pesula, langaton internetyhteys, ilmainen internet, tV-huone, ja lämmitys
Matka kouluun: 1 - 40 minuuttia buslla
Saatavuus: tammikuu - joulukuu
Päivä saapumisesta: sunnuntai, klo 01:00
Lähtöpäivänä: sunnuntai, ennen 11:00
242 €
If approached with the right attitude (both by the host and the student), staying in homestay accommodation can be a fantastic way to improve your English, learn about British culture, and possibly make new friends. We try very hard to make sure that all of our homestay accommodation is clean, comfortable, and friendly. We inspect all accommodation and interview the hosts before we accept them for our students.

Britain is a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic community, and our people have tastes that reflect our long history of immigration. As well as traditional ‘British’ food, you are likely to be offered Italian, Indian, Chinese, and many other different styles of cuisine. And we don’t usually stop everything at 5 o’clock for a cup of tea.

The population of Britain is made up of people of all races, ethnicities and religions, so you may be living with people who don’t look like what you might imagine British people to be. Some homestay providers are not of English origin but all speak English to high standard.

It is also possible that your homestay ‘family’ is not similar to typical families in your country: it may be made up of two parents with a number of children, or it may just be one person living alone, or anything in between.

We try to match students with homestays and to find the right homestay for everyone. It is important to book early and to tell us about your requirements e.g. in the areas of diet, smoking, children and pets.

Please note:
•Most British people have pets – usually a cat or a dog
•If you are in self-catering homestay you will not have so much opportunity to practise your English as you will not be sitting down for a meal with your host(s).
•Students are sometimes required to house share with students of their own language in the summer. If we place you in the accommodation that already hosts a student of the same nationality we will inform you in advance. You are welcome to cancel your booking if you are not happy with this option. However this happens very rarely and only if there is no alternative accommodation available.


Most homestays are a bus ride away

Average journey time to/from school is 40 minutes by public transport

The host family will keep the house and room clean but you should keep your room tidy. Please remember that you are in someone else’s house and that it is not a hotel. The family will treat you like a part of the family and will help you with any questions you might have. If you have a problem with the host family, first tell the host family politely, it might be a misunderstanding. If this doesn’t help, tell us.

Half board: breakfast and evening meal included daily (cooking facilities not included, access to these is at the host’s discretion). Breakfast is not usually cooked. It is often toast and marmalade, cereal, fruit juice and tea or coffee. Dinner is the main meal of the day and should include meat, fish or poultry, unless you have asked in your application form for vegetarian meals. Special dietary requirements available on request. Please inform the school at the time of the booking.

The family will do laundry at least once a week, but if you have a lot, you should go to a launderette. If you have something that needs to be cleaned in a special way, it is best to go to a dry cleaner’s (there is one near the school). You will have to do your own ironing but the family will lend you the iron and the board.

Everyone in the family needs to use the bathroom and there is often only one bathroom in the house, you will need to ask your host when is the best time to have your bath or shower. Towels are provided by your host.

You can only use the telephone with your host family’s permission. Please ask your family if it is ok to make calls with a phone card. Please remember that the phone belongs to the family, and do not stay on the phone for too long.

Internet access might be available in some homestays. Please ask the host upon arrival. Please note: in our school premises you can enjoy free Internet and wireless connection Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 17:00.

Please note that majority of our homestays have a pet. Please let us know in advance if you are allergic.

Your family will give you a key for the house. You must take very good care of it and you cannot give it to someone else or copy it. If you lose it, tell the family immediately. You might have to pay for a new one.

Please ask your family for permission to have visits from friends, they will probably say ‘yes’ but please do not allow friends to stay longer than your family has agreed, especially no overnight stays


Me emme voi anoa viisumeja opiskelijoiden puolesta. Koulu voi kuitenkin tarjota viisumihakemukseen tarvittavat lomakkeet.

Jos opiskelet Britanniassa yli 11 kuukauden ajan saat CAS- viitenumeron (Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies) joka sinun on ltoimitettava Britannian suurlähetystöön yhdessä viisumihakemuksesi (General Student Visa) kanssa. Opiskelijat, jotka ovat onnistuneesti varanneet ja maksaneet kielikurssin saavat CAS-numeron . Ole hyvä ja ota huomioon, että Britannian lakien mukaan CAS-numero voi antaa vain opiskelijalle, joka aikoo opiskella englantia yli 11 kuukautta.

Jos opiskelet Britanniassa alle kuuden kuukauden ajan, sinun on anottava erityistä vierailuviisumia (Student Visitor Visa). Vierailevana opiskelijana sinulla ei ole oikeutta työskennellä opiskelun ohella. Jos suunnitelmissasi on opiskella Britanniassa alle kuuden kuukauden ajan, hyväksymiskirje lähetetään sinulle maksutta kotiosoitteeseesi. Jos haluat saada materiaalin pikakirjeenä, rekisteröityessäsi veloitetaan erityismaksu.

Liätietoja Britannian viisumin hausta. »

Lennot ja lentokenttävaihdot

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Brighton based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


Opiskele huoletta ulkomailla Language Internationalin tarjoamien sairaus- ja henkilökohtaisen omaisuusvakuutusten turvin. Kun varaat kielikurssin kauttamme, voit halutessasi ostaa kansainvälisen vakuutuspaketin joka kattaa sairauskulujen lisäksi omaisuusvahingot. Sinun on varattava palvelu etukäteen rekisteröitymisen ohessa.

Lisätietoja vakuutussuunnitelmastamme »

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