Colloquial Moroccan Arabic Course

Al Minbar Institute


Kielikurssin aiheita

Kuunteleminen, puhuminen, ääntäminen, lukeminen, kirjoittaminen, sanavarasto, kielioppi ja Aktiviteetit


Kielikurssin kesto
1-52 viikkoa
Joka maanantai
Oppitunteja viikossa
10 lessons per week (jokainen oppitunti kestää 60 min)
maanantai - perjantai


09.00.00 - 11.00.00
11.15.00 - 13.15.00
Iltapäivän kokouksessa
14.30.00 - 16.30.00
Iltapäivän kokouksessa
16.30.00 - 18.30.00

Opetusjärjestys saattaa muuttua kaudesta ja saatavuudesta riippuen.

Kielikurssin kuvaus

As it is the case with all Arab countries, Moroccans do not use fusha (MSA) to communicate with each other; the fusha is mainly used in printed and spoken media as well as official documents. Just like other Arab countries, Morocco has its own dialect called darija. To make the most of the experience in Morocco, having a background in darija remains very crucial for students, professionals or travelers alike. The darija course is offered to help students and professionals master the everyday language of Moroccans in order to facilitate the immersive experience; this is because living or working in any Arab country necessitates a good background of its dialect as it contributes to a speedy progress in language proficiency and cultural integration.
At Alminbar we offer varaity of Darija courses that students can choos from ( intensive, semi-intensive, standard and private course) baised on students needs and availibility, Our Darija course devided into three major levels Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.

Ryhmän taso

Kaikki tasot, vasta-alkajista edistyneisiin
You will take a placement test before your arrival in Rabat to determine your class level.


Keskimäärin 5 opiskelijaa
Enimmäismäärä 8 opiskelijaa

Opiskelijan ikä

Ikäryhmä 16 - 80 vuoden ikäinen
Keskimäärin 30 vuoden ikäinen
(23 kesällä)


Lopputodistus annetaan kielikurssin päätteksi.
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100% suosittelee

perustuu3 arvioon
5 tähteä
4 tähteä
3 tähteä
2 tähteä
1 tähti
Opetuksen taso
Koulun toimitilat
Sosiaaliset aktiviteetit
Koulun sijainti

"Trust the selection of, still better than expected."

William Meng, opiskelija _ maasta USA

About the Al Minbar
I was the only student in the class. My teacher, Zakariyae el Mellouki, is an experienced teacher. He taught me in an effective and measured way. He would repeat the difficult points. He is very considerate of my understanding and my background. He is keen to the comparison between Arabic and the language I know. To some points he is not familiar with, he did the research and gave me supplementary materials the following day. He also gave me detailed information and useful suggestions regarding my activity for each afternoon and my two weekends. I have visited, according to his suggestions, many cultural institutions, such as museum of history, Villa des Arts, museum of modern art, the museum of telecommunication, the money museum, the national library, the university in Rabat, and other cities like Fez and Marakech. All these activities have contributed to my understanding of the unique culture of the Moroccan people. He has the professional passion as a teacher.
The school and the family stay, both have very good location. I can walk or take TRAM directly to the school. The family is very friendly and helpful. I asked the lady if I could use the wash machine, she simply asked me to put my clothes in a basket. When I came back from the school, my clothes were already on my bed, cleaned and dried. Her son used his own time to be my tutor of the language. He speaks perfect French.
The school arranged a pickup for me from the Railway Station Agdal to the family. The pickup person came on time, the staff member Imane who arranged the pickup, called me to make sure the success. That was on Sunday.
I did not attend the events organized by the school such as organized group travel, cooking and painting. But the staff member Khawila did help me to arrange my own trips for my first and my second weekend. She did good research and booked excellent hotel in Fez and Riad in Marakech, in terms of price, location and service. She also gave me travel information regarding how to get there from Railway station.
When leaving Al Minbar, I told my teacher and staff members there: at my age this must be one of the last schools I would visit in my life, but this is definitely one of the best schools I have ever visited in my life and my teacher Zakariyae is definitely one of the best teachers I have ever met in my life. He has the passion. He has tried his best to give me a solid foundation of the language learning. He has also suggested to me to give me further support via online. His support and encouragement will be a perpetual motivation for me to continue my study of the Arabic language, so difficult, yet so beautiful.

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Arvioni koulusta

Opetuksen taso
Koulun toimitilat
Sosiaaliset aktiviteetit
Koulun sijainti
opiskelun kesto
1 viikko
Opiskelun aika
16 Oct 2023 - 27 Oct 2023
Suosittelisitko tätä koulua?
Tämä on vahvistettu yhteenveto. Tämä opiskelija on varattu kurssin tässä koulussa Language International:n kautta.

"Good school to improve your Arabic language."

Thomas Sieber, opiskelija _ maasta Sveitsi

The school is very well organised although at times there are not enough schoolrooms. It is located in the city center. The teachers are competent and motivated.

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Arvioni koulusta

Opetuksen taso
Koulun toimitilat
Sosiaaliset aktiviteetit
Koulun sijainti
opiskelun kesto
7 viikkoa
Opiskelun aika
19 Jun 2023 - 11 Aug 2023
Suosittelisitko tätä koulua?
Tämä on vahvistettu yhteenveto. Tämä opiskelija on varattu kurssin tässä koulussa Language International:n kautta.
Imane Hamlaoui, Student Affaires Coordinator at Al Minbar Institute responded to this review.
14 September 2023

Dear Thomas,
Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review.
Thank you so much for choosing Al Minbar institute and for the positive review.
We look forward to welcoming you again in the near future.

"Welcoming, flexible and intensively enriching: highly recommended!"

Gabor Halmai, opiskelija _ maasta Portugali

I did a one-week intensive course at Al Minbar with very little knowledge of MSA. The classes were organized to meet my schedule restrictions after a last-minute booking. I stayed with a very nice host family in a beautiful home in the old Medina, and the homestay was deliciously complete with breakfast and dinner every day. The course was taught by Wassima, a super friendly and competent teacher who helped me esse into the language and the culture even in this limited time frame. Classes were fun and interactive, yet very informative and intense. The school itself is a 15-minute walk from the family home, smack in the center of Rabat. The weather was perfect so we could be outside on the terrace, drinking tea while learning. A cooking class with a tajine dinner was also included in the package, it was an immersive and entertaining experience. I would highly recommend taking a course with Al Minbar, you will definitely enjoy and grow from it!

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Arvioni koulusta

Opetuksen taso
Koulun toimitilat
Sosiaaliset aktiviteetit
Koulun sijainti
Opiskelun aika
17 Oct 2022 - 21 Oct 2022
Suosittelisitko tätä koulua?
Tämä on vahvistettu yhteenveto. Tämä opiskelija on varattu kurssin tässä koulussa Language International:n kautta.


Al Minbar Institute tarjoaa seuraavia majoitustyyppejä:

Kotimajoitus - Yhden hengen huone - Aamiainen ja illallinen

137 €

Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner

Ikäryhmä: 16 - 80 vuoden ikäinen
Sijainti: In the city center of Rabat
Majoitustyyppi: Kotimajoitus
Huonetyyppi: Yhden hengen huone
Ateriaa: Aamiainen ja illallinen (14 ateriaa viikossa)
Toimitilat: Keittiö, pesula, ilmainen internet, tV-huone, matto, ilmastointi, ja 24/7 valvontaa
Matka kouluun: 5 - 15 minuuttia walklla
Saatavuus: tammikuu - joulukuu
Päivä saapumisesta: sunnuntai, klo 12:00
Lähtöpäivänä: lauantai, ennen 12:00
137 €
We offer two housing options: Host Family or Studio Apartments

Host families: The families that collaborate with Al Minbar are carefully selected and are characterized by their hospitality and generosity. Host family accommodation includes breakfast and dinner.

Studio Apartments: It’s the best option for students willing to stay for long period of time. The studio apartments are located in the city center close to our school as well as restaurants, shops, and transportation.

Opiskelija-asuntola - Yhden hengen huone - Ei aterioita

153 €

Student apartment-Single room

Ikäryhmä: 16 - 70 vuoden ikäinen
Sijainti: In the city center of Rabat
Majoitustyyppi: Opiskelija-asuntola (kampuksen ulkopuolella)
Huonetyyppi: Yhden hengen huone
Ateriaa: Ei aterioita
Toimitilat: Keittiö, pesula, puhelin, ilmainen internet, ja tV-huone
Saatavuus: tammikuu - joulukuu
Päivä saapumisesta: sunnuntai, klo 02:00
Lähtöpäivänä: lauantai, ennen 12:00
153 €
The residence is almost adjacent to the school, close to restaurants, coffee shops, the old medina, and transportation. Students can choose a single or double room.


Me emme voi anoa viisumeja opiskelijoiden puolesta. Koulu voi kuitenkin tarjota viisumihakemukseen tarvittavat lomakkeet.

Hyväksymiskirje lähetetään kotiosoitteeseesi postitse veloituksetta.

Lennot ja lentokenttävaihdot

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Rabat based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


Opiskele huoletta ulkomailla Language Internationalin tarjoamien sairaus- ja henkilökohtaisen omaisuusvakuutusten turvin. Kun varaat kielikurssin kauttamme, voit halutessasi ostaa kansainvälisen vakuutuspaketin joka kattaa sairauskulujen lisäksi omaisuusvahingot. Sinun on varattava palvelu etukäteen rekisteröitymisen ohessa.

Lisätietoja vakuutussuunnitelmastamme »

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